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Lead Pilates Instructor, Lindsey Patel

Lindsey Springer Patel

Lindsey began doing Pilates to help relieve stress and connect with her friends. After two sessions she was hooked. She experienced less anxiety, better posture, and reduced pain in her body. In 2009, she decided she needed to know as much as possible about Pilates and the human anatomy so she could share this magical practice with her loved ones so she became certified in Pilates mat and equipment through Balanced Body in 2009. She later earned her Comprehensive Pilates certification in 2013 as well as an Associate's Degree in Kinesiology. She continues to bring a unique take on Pilates with her Yin Yoga teachings, which she earned a certification in in 2017. 

When she is not teaching Pilates or practicing yoga you might find Lindsey biking around the city with her husband and daughter or with her nose in a good book.

Personal Trainer, Emily Guay


Emily is a life-long athlete and has always enjoyed being active. She obtained a masters degree in Wellness Management and Gerontology from Ball State University. Her undergraduate degree is in Exercise Science and Fitness Management. Emily has worked in various fitness setting, but has worked as a Personal Trainer for the past 7 years. She is an ACE certified trainer who enjoys working with all types of people, but specializes in older adults. It’s never too late to improve your health and wellness! Her favorite workouts are long runs on the Monon Trail or HIIT (high intensity interval training). Aside from exercises, she enjoys spending time with her husband and very busy daughter!


“True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.” - Wilhelm von Humboldt

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